
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Y is for Yretha Silete

            Yretha Silete is an amazing female figure skater.  She has really good height on her jumps and really nice spins and footwork.  Yretha Silete goes the other way on her jumps and her spins.  For example, when I spin I go into it on my left foot, when she spins she goes into it on her right foot.  Everything she does is the opposite way of how I do and most other people do.  There are still a good amount of people who go the other way like her.  Here's one of my favorite videos of her skating in France, 2012!

She only made one mistake on her triple flip.  But other than that, she did a really good program!!

Hope you enjoyed watching! :)

Check out some other awesome A-Z Post's at A-Z Challenge Participants

-Alyssa :)


  1. Very nice. Although I was expecting you to do your own video showing your Yumps :) Maybe next time. Or as a take off on your Mom's post you could do the Yellowstone Yump where you hold your nose while spinning in the air. :)

  2. Wow! What a fantastic performance! And her speed, my goodness! What I liked the best about her performance was that she did not let her fall interfere with the rest of her program – as if that was not a big deal at all. That's a true mark of a professional. I never knew of her before; now I do. Thank you so much for introducing her to us! Have a wonderful weekend, Alyssa! Love, Grandma
